Hydrogen technologies have the unique potential to connect our energy, transport and industry sectors.
Fuel Cell Applications

Fuel cell types

Examples of Benefits

Benefits of fuel cell technology
- Efficient: 50+% electric efficiency, 90+% electric and thermal efficiency related to combined heat and power, highly efficient energy conversion;
- Quiet operation: no moving parts;
- High quality, reliable power;
- Exceptionally low or zero emissions, reduced greenhouse gas emissions;
- Reduced oil consumption and water use;
- Expanded use of renewable power (through the use of hydrogen derived from renewable resources as a transportation fuel as well as for energy storage and transmission);
- Fuel flexibility (use of diverse fuels, including hydrogen, natural gas, biogas, methanol).
Benefits of hydrogen
- Highly abundant in nature;
- Lightest element of all the elements known;
- Versatile, converts easily to other energy forms at the user end;
- High utilization efficiency when used in fuel cell;
- Environmentally compatible (zero- or low- emission);
- It works well with fuel cells, hydrogen used in fuel cell applications for electricity grid and applicable also for remote off-grid areas and solutions;
- Energy losses related to transfer can be avoided compared with transmission losses related to conventional power and electricity;
- Low production costs possible to realise in diversified electricity production by using local hydrogen production methods;
- Promising energy carrier for the future energy system;
- Hydrogen promises growth for electricity business.